Building Resilience: Coping with Coronavirus Cabin Fever
Coping with Coronavirus Cabin Fever
After a few weeks of being cooped up at home, kids start experiencing cabin fever, which can lead to more bad behavior. One way to stop cabin fever is by planning fun activities to do together as family. Spending time having fun with family is protective and promotes resilience within your children! When kids help plan them, they also feel a sense of control in their lives. Here is a short list of fun activities your family can do together to get you started - visit the NCTSN website at this linkfor pages of more great activities.
- Enjoy the great outdoors (click here for outdoor activities you can do while social distancing)
- Build an indoor fort
- Free stories to stream on your electronics
- Make playdates via FaceTime or Zoom
- Make cards for loved ones
- Water balloon fights
- Have a family movie night
- Garden together
- Cook or bake together
- Decorate your steps with sidewalk chalk
- Take advantage of free trials, like on Noggin (but be mindful of expiration dates!)
- Louisiana Children’s Museum offers virtual enrichment lessons featuring fun activities you can do with your child
Note: Mental health is always important, but during times of crisis it is paramount. The following guidelines are designed to support you in finding ways to cope, understanding how to practice self-care, and nurturing your connection with your child. Building Resilience: Parenting During a Pandemic is a joint effort between Louisiana Children's Museum and Tulane Institute of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health.
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